What shall I do with the crucifixion?
I’m fine with the Resurrection. It’s joyful, hopeful, and makes me want to reach up on tiptoes and raise my arms high in praise to a Mighty God. The Easter Sunday service is great. But what about a Good Friday service? What’s the point of that? Am I supposed to feel sad? To forget that Jesus is alive? Should I try to enter into His pain and feel what He felt?
I’m not sure yet. Here’s what I do know: Without the crucifixion there could be no resurrection. The resurrection is only significant because Jesus was dead. Not only because he was dead, but because he willingly took upon himself the sins of the human race. He became sin. What does the death of Jesus mean? I found such clear answers this morning in Isaiah 53:
He carried------------------our weaknesses.
He was weighed down------------by our sorrows.
Pierced-------------------for our rebellion
Crushed-----------------for our sins
Beaten------------------so we could be whole
Whipped---------------so we could be healed
The sins of all of us--------------laid on him
His life an offering--------------for sin
He makes it possible-----------for us to be counted righteous
For he bears-----------------all our sins.
Him-------------------------- for us.
It’s all about Jesus----------and what he did for us.
The Cross stands at the Center of the Universe, the single most important thing in all creation. Yes, it’s an empty Cross, but it stands for both the death AND resurrection of the Lord Jesus Christ. We’d do well to pay attention and spend some time--------at the Cross.